Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Scrunching, squirming,

Little strings of spineless, squishy bug.

Their words are like burrs in my heart.
I wince when they speak. I don't like dealing with them.

"You - you worms!"
I want to say to rude, foolish people.


They're not worms at all
they're Caterpillars.

the heart is a hearth

My chest has become an oven
Fingers fumbling for the "on/off" dial
Each intake of breath feels like fire. My eyes sting.
Can someone melt from inside out? Or will I explode?

Not even the rain can extinguish me -
It comes close, but only soaks my skin. My blood is magma.

Can't sleep - my heart glows so the whole room is lit.
I've tried pressing my belly button, pulling my toes like levers, tuning my ears, and thinking about Antartica.

There's a wireless energy transfer
It's how my heart gets all this silly energy
Happens when our eyes meet.
I've got to cut the cord. You just might notice the sparks shooting out of my eyes.

thus far

Fresh strawberry moments
Dangle from the tree of circumstance
Ripe and flushed with joy, I chew

My uncallused feet stepped gingerly
Onto a broken world

Enticed into a gentle garden
My Lover began to teach me to walk
So I could follow Him
Lovingly, I ran.


Sin has lost its tangy luster
And death's knife has grown dull

The flickering candles burn ever stronger
And my fingers are in training for war
The Enemy is frightened and outraged
Freedom is spreading, our victory sure.