Monday, August 22, 2011


You bad taste in my mouth,
I'll wash you down with a frothy soda pop
Or perhaps a feel-good movie.

It's not my fault.

You creep into my heart like a hot lizard,
snaking your way down to gnaw at the roots of my sensitive pride.

You hot potato - I'll toss you out of me
I can't stand to own you.
My fingers are turning black,
like my motives. Oh, I am indeed a wretch.

Remedy, please, a remedy - anything.

I'll brand you with my initials
You cruel, cruel pet,
This will take the last of my pride.

I walk the halls of the ruin of my heart
And find it an empty tomb.
The things I thought splendid and virtuous about myself -
They're crawling with iniquity.

A prince. He comes to see me?
In this place?
In my place.

Oh, Lord, I'm saved. I'm safe.
My heart is redeemed at last.
All because You could stand to own me.

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